Technical director

Deodatus Ndunguru

Mr Deodatus Ndunguru was born in the year 1972 in Maguu, district of Mbinga / Southern Tanzania. After his vocational training and several upgrade training courses he was working as an electrician at Lituhi Hospital from 2000 to 2004.

Then he was selected from the Diocese of Mbinga to run the electrical workshop of the Diocese as a technical director from the year 2004 to 2008. According to his practical experience in the hospital and his experience in teaching electricians, he decided to extend his activities:


After five years of cooperation with “Energiebau Solarstromsysteme Gmbh”, in Germany, one of the most powerful and experienced whole salers, RENERG TANZANIA is now their official partner for solar activities in Tanzania and the neighbour countries.

Mr Ndunguru has been in Germany to be part of a “Training the trainer” course for solar power systems in the year 2008. It was organized by INWENT, a German government related organisation which is involved in international capacity building.


Livinus Manyanga

Financial director

Mr Livinus Manyanga was born 1960 in Marangu/Kilimanjaro. He is an experienced and successful Manager of the company “Kakute LTD” in Arusha which is working in the field of technology transfer and value chain development since 1995. In the year 2008 Livinus Manyanga has taken over responsibility for all financial activities of RENERG TANZANIA.




Livinus Manyanga, awarded by Harvard University in 2007

Harvard University in Boston, US awarded two German organisations and their project partners in Tanzania and Ghana on the 8 May 2007 for their fair cooperation and successful project management in an Africa-wide project: “Electricity for remote villages supplied by solar-hybrid systems”.


During the project which lasted for five years Livinus Manyanga was organising the transfer of know how between the different organisations and the villagers in the North and South of Tanzania. As their representant he was member of the delegation who traveled to Boston, US, to meet Achim Steiner, CEO of UNEP and David Ellwood, dean of the university.


Überschrift 1

Überschrift 2

Überschrift 3

Ein Beispieltext

So würde es aussehen

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